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Tax audit of computerized accounting

The Arcsys software has been designed from the outset to meet this particular need to store digital objects of various sizes and formats (information, data and processing) that may be requested by the French tax authorities in order to carry out tax audits and verifications on the reporting obligations of companies.

Tax liability

It is an obligation for any taxpayer to keep data and processes in order to rebuild a posteriori an accounting or fiscal statement.

Data diversity

The complexity consists in having to extract large volumes of data from the Information System, list them and associate them with processes and processing dates. The diversity of formats and flows to be taken into account is also a problem (flows, flat files, executables, databases, etc.)

Our experience in the tax audit of computerized accounting

The Arcsys archiving solution is able to list all the basic and processed data related to each accounting chain, to strictly maintain the integrity and complete traceability of processes and to be able to restore instantly on request all or part of this accounting and tax information.

Pooling of needs

Several of our customers have initially deployed Arcsys for the Tax Control of Computerized Accounts and have, subsequently, shared the technical platform to keep and perpetuate other types of information.