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Cloud, SaaS, On-premise: Choosing the best IT infrastructure to launch your long-term archiving project?

    To better understand, in this article, by Cloud we will mean the Iaas (infrastructures as a service) offers offered by the key players in the sector such as Amazon, Microsoft-Azure and Google. Then, by Saas we will mean a private cloud offer supported by a business operator built on its… Read More »Cloud, SaaS, On-premise: Choosing the best IT infrastructure to launch your long-term archiving project?

    Factur-X: What is it?

      Factur-X was born from a Franco-German desire to standardize electronic invoices in order to facilitate cross-border commercial exchanges. This idea of facilitating invoicing began in 2013 in France where the electronic invoice became the equal of the paper invoice. Since this first date, everything has been done to simplify the… Read More »Factur-X: What is it?