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Electronic signatures, ChatGPT and deepfakes: can we trust the source?

    After the initial enthusiasm, the first feeling that seizes those trying their hand at ChatGPT is… disillusionment, in front of the mass of erroneous information that we see it stating with complete aplomb to satisfy its interlocutor ( Let us also recall the very expensive fiasco of Google Bard’s demo… Read More »Electronic signatures, ChatGPT and deepfakes: can we trust the source?

    From electronic archiving in companies to the safeguarding of personal data: some useful principles! (Part Two)

      In the first part, we noted many common points between personal data backup and electronic document archiving: their value, the need for sorting, the relevance of heterogeneous storage, the integrity of documents, and the search for a provider ensuring reversibility. Let’s not stop here, there are still many similarities! Storage… Read More »From electronic archiving in companies to the safeguarding of personal data: some useful principles! (Part Two)

      From electronic archiving in companies to the safeguarding of personal data: some useful principles! (Part One)

        We won’t repeat it often enough, safeguarding and archiving are not the same thing! It may seem absurd to compare the archiving with legal value that must be carried out by a company on accounting documents, with the safeguarding of its family photos and videos. However, my experience, professionally in… Read More »From electronic archiving in companies to the safeguarding of personal data: some useful principles! (Part One)

        Feedback from iPres22

          This post is an opinion article by Morgän ATTIAS, who provides some feedback and personal experience from recently attending iPRES 22 in Glasgow. Let me start by saying that I was looking forward to this conference. Digital Preservation is a personal passion of mine, and iPRES is clearly the place… Read More »Feedback from iPres22

          Electronic signature: a suitable solution for the digital transformation of businesses

            As part of the dematerialization of company data, electronic signatures are quickly becoming more and more popular. Digitization is today a central issue which can prove decisive in internal data processing. The new standards governed by the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) reinforce this need for companies to move towards… Read More »Electronic signature: a suitable solution for the digital transformation of businesses

            Cloud, SaaS, On-premise: Choosing the best IT infrastructure to launch your long-term archiving project?

              To better understand, in this article, by Cloud we will mean the Iaas (infrastructures as a service) offers offered by the key players in the sector such as Amazon, Microsoft-Azure and Google. Then, by Saas we will mean a private cloud offer supported by a business operator built on its… Read More »Cloud, SaaS, On-premise: Choosing the best IT infrastructure to launch your long-term archiving project?